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Exchange of participants’ knowledge in the process of construction

The platform enables users, designers and consulting service providers education. In addition to references and existing project solutions, it contains measures which can be reviewed.

B2B platform with complete documentation

Alarm automatika’s B2B platform allows you to find the best products and solutions for different types of installations. It contains a complete portfolio, with detailed documentation required for the design, installation, integration, and maintenance of the Smart Safety system.

A unique timesaving B2B platform

The B2B online platform was created to enable customers to prepare everything they need for their customers – purchase quotations, delivery of equipment and billing – without need for steps’ repeating. A Purchase quotation can be converted into Purchase order, an order into the Sales invoice, and an invoice into the Goods receipt. This increases flexibility and accuracy, saves time and energy, boosts efficiency, while preventing process errors.

Interactive B2C platform is a B2C online platform that enables online ordering and payment of security solutions, live-chat support, Alex application for alarm notification of the Central Monitoring Station and various service packages of the user’s choice.